After Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan, it is the turn of another actor Aamir Khan to face a probe for purchasing farmland, even as he denied any irregularities and claimed
to be a farmer.
Queried about Aamir's purchase of a piece of agricultural land in Pune, Maharashtra revenue minister Narayan Rane told reporters that the district collector "will probe into
the matter" though he said he did not have any "specific information" if the actor had violated rules.
The actor soon clarified that he had committed no forgery in purchasing the land meant for farmers.
"I have done no forgery. I should be pulled up if there are any
irregularities and I would be happy if the authorities check my papers," Aamir told a television news channel.
"I am a farmer by birth, my father was an agriculturist,
my grandfather was an agriculturist," said the actor.
Meanwhile, Amitabh Bachchan appealed to a court yesterday to accept him as a farmer and allow him to keep a 20-acre property.
The local court had ruled on Friday that a 1983 certificate identifying the 64-year-old actor as a farmer was forged. "We have appealed to the honourable court to set aside
the order passed against my client Bachchan," lawyer Gaurav Bhatia said.
The appeal will be heard on Thursday after lawyers said their client was not given a chance to defend himself. The court heard that Bachchan had used his political contacts
to be designated as a farmer.
Friday, June 08, 2007 13:19 IST