Tarun Dhanrajgir, a well known model and actor from the 1970's, donned the director's hat with Kis Hudh Tak in 2010. He is now back and all set for his new Hindi feature film release- Bolo Hau, a Mazedaar Love Story with Hyderabadi Tadka. The film stars his daughter Jahnavi Dhanrajgir (debutant) and actor Ankit Rathi as lead characters. Tarun gives us some insights about his new project. Read on -
1. How was your experience working with your daughter?
- In all honesty, she was able to bring to life the character I had visualised. She is a very talented person and with the efforts she put in, I predict a bright future for her. To put it in one word, it was satisfying to see her play Rukhsar on screen
2. What encouraged you to take on this project?
- Cinema is my passion. Something I've neglected so far. And I thought the time had come to now concentrate on what I'd like to spend the rest of my life doing. So this is my first step.
3. You've faced many challenges in order to reach where you are today, can you tell us something about it?
- Everyone has their own struggles. Life is full of unexpected ups and downs. However, we should always focus on the bright side because everything ends well if you have put in the right amount of dedication and willpower.
4. How did you come up with the idea of, 'Hyderabadi Tadka'?
- I decided I wanted to make a happy film. Too much tension all around us so I wanted to make something cheerful and entertaining. And the love story genre seemed best suited for it. So I decided to make one and base it in Hyderabad not only because I'm from here but also because the dialect is unique and it automatically lends itself to humour.
5. Are there any upcoming projects you would like to talk about?
- Yes. As I said earlier this is my first step. I have five scripts ready to be made into a film and I intend to do that. All my scripts are relationship based. My next will be a mature love story. And I'd like to cast Anil Kapoor in it. I hope he will agree to do it. Once he does then I will work the rest of the cast around him. But before all that I need this film to work. For that all your blessings are needed. Take care and stay safe.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 16:00 IST