Vikramaditya Motwane rose to fame with his directorial debut Udaan and usually presents such kinds of projects for the audience which are based on never before seen concepts in the Indian cinema. This time, Motwane is coming up with a new web-series 'Stardust' featuring Aparshakti Khurrana, Aditi Rao Hydari and Prosenjit Chatterjee in the lead roles. Well, with the series, Prosenjit Chatterjee is marking his presence in Hindi cinema.
As per the reports, the show is inspired by true rivalry incidents in the film industry and will take a fictional take on the 40's era and the next forty years. For now, it has been planned for a nine-episode season and will feature Aparshakti Khurrana, Aditi Rao Hydari and Prosenjit Chatterjee in the lead roles. The series will also star some renowned actors. The series is expected to go on the floor in the last year but amid the pandemic, the project gets delayed. Now, the series will kick-off in March-April month. As per the reports Stardust will premier on Amazon Prime.
Well, apart from Stardust, Motwani will start working on a web-series based on the novel 'Blackwarrent' which was published by Roli books and explored the unheard stories of Tihar Jail.
Recently, the director grabbed the attention with his over the top film, 'AK Vs AK' which was released on Netflix. The film starred Anil Kapoor and Anurag Kashyap in the lead roles and was well received by the audience and critics as well.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 16:37 IST