Bollywood mega star Amitabh Bachchan issued a warning over the dangers of climate change at Thursday night's Bollywood Oscars. Bachchan took the opportunity to warn India was particularly vulnerable to climate change at the International Indian Film Academy Awards in Leeds, England.
The actor also urged fellow Bollywood stars to join him in a bid to raise awareness of the issue. He said, "India also needs to be aware of global warming because of the fact that it is a vastly and rapidly developing economy, an economy that is creating a huge number of the middle class moving up... spending a lot of money."
"That is why India is becoming very prominent as far as global warming is concerned. I hope that through our deliberations, through my voice and through my face, I will be able to impress upon other members of my community who are equally important to this cause because they have a face and they have a voice."
Monday, June 11, 2007 13:23 IST