Manava Naik, who plays the Punjabi bahu Manjeet in ‘Teen Bahuraniyan', rides a scooty quite effortlessly on the show. But recently, the actress had quite a harrowing
experience while returning home post mid night after her shoots.
Manava was driving alone when some unknown boys tried to act funny with her. They started chasing her car for almost an hour in an attempt to scare her.
The two
boys in the other car tried to maneuver her car for a considerable distance. When a truck came to Manava's rescue, she quickly escaped behind it. The other car was in front
and shot for another direction.
"It was quite scary an experience. I didn't know what to do and they just wouldn't let go. I used to think Bombay is quite safe now, but these days I feel it's getting back to
being a little unsafe," says Manava.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 12:22 IST