After Aishwarya Rai, another Bollywood lady is now going international. Former Miss India Celina Jaitley has recently signed a contract to act in a New Zealand-Australian
film called "Love has No Language."
This production house has made the world sit up and take notice with its "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. Ken Kahn, the technical advisor of that huge blockbuster, will be
directing the film. Celina will portray the character of a non-resident Indian girl born and raised in New Zealand, opposite Australian actor Ben Mitchell.
She is not only excited about working in an international project but about the role she will be playing. Here she has a chance to prove her mettle as an actress without
doing only the dancing and singing sequences, she said.
Celina said she is very happy because international doors have opened for Bollywood and every actor has a chance to work on an international project. With the film down
under, perhaps Celina's fortunes will start to look up.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 12:25 IST