Amitabh Bachchan, his son Abhishek and daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai will star together for the first time on 'The Unforgettable Tour' which kicks off in April 2008 and will stop off in 18 countries.
Big B, who dreamt up the tour, told a Press conference at the International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFAs) in Leeds, northern England, that Indian
expatriates would be particularly keen to attend.
"'The Unforgettable Tour' is our way of thanking our fans and awarding them with power-packed joint performances from the superstars of Indian cinema, thereby offering our
audiences an experience to witness and relive the magic of Indian cinema in lands as far away as Switzerland, UK, the Middle East, South Africa and USA amongst others,"
he added.
But Viraf Sarkari, director of Wizcraft, the firm marketing the event, added that the show — branded 'Indian cinema's biggest world tour ever' — would try and reach those
without Indian roots as well.
"Today the interest in Indian cinema and Indian music, Indian culture, it goes far beyond just Indian community living in different parts of the world," he told.
"There are a lot of foreigners who are very, very keen on seeing Indian films and listening to Indian music and dancing to Indian music."
The tour includes dates in Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Dubai and Bahrain and will also
be televised.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 12:26 IST