Noted Hindi playback singer Hema Sardesai has been given the 'international award for women achiever' by spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravishankar at Bangalore.
award, instituted by Sri Sri Ravishankar's Art Of Living Foundation, was given to the Goan singer on Sunday during the international women's conference at his Bangalore
Sardesai was selected for the award for her "outstanding contribution to music internationally." The function was attended by over 1,000 women from across the globe.
"It's an absolute honour to receive an award of this stature. What is more honouring is that the award was given by Sri Sri Ravishankar himself," Sardesai said. The singer
said she was busy giving final touches to her new Hindi album 'Jhoom', which would be ready for release by the end of this month.
‘Jhoom' is an album of modern Spiritual songs, sung, written and composed by Hema, for her beloved Guruji Sri Sri Ravishankar's Art of Living Foundation.
Thursday, June 14, 2007 10:03 IST