Auteur filmmaker Anand Gandhi has confirmed that he is creating a new cinematic short film for Vicks and Publicis Singapore. It tells the story of Dr. Dnayeshwar Bhosale, a visionary doctor who succumbed to Covid-19 while combating it on the front lines. Anand has previously partnered with Vicks and Publicis Singapore to direct the viral `Vicks: One In A Million` #TouchOfCare campaign - the brand film that swept 4 Lions at Cannes.
The film's Director, Anand Gandhi, `Dr. Dnyaneshwar Bhosale dreamed of building robust, empathetic systems of care and medicine. This film is a glimpse into the vision and commitment that he had for his community. It's a call to togetherness, a reminder of the selflessness of all our healthcare workers during this time. I am grateful to the people at Vicks and Publicis Singapore for getting me on board to bring this story to life.`