The trailer of the Kannada movie Ikkat has left audiences in splits since its launch yesterday as they eagerly await the movie's release on Amazon Prime Video on July 21st. Directed by Esham and Haseen Khan, the film that stars Nagabhushana and Bhoomi Shetty in the lead roles, is a story set right in the middle of lockdown. The plot revolves around an unhappy married couple who are on the verge of getting a divorce, but are forced to spend time with each other when a nationwide lockdown is announced due to the pandemic.
Sharing their thoughts about what inspired them to make a movie around this topic, directors Esham and Haseen Khan said, `We were just sitting at home like everybody else in lockdown, wondering what will happen next. It was very difficult, because there was no other film that was being shot at that time. We thought why don't we take up this challenge and shoot something different, keeping all the lockdown restrictions in mind, of course. First, we actually wrote the story and script in 7 days. Then we planned to shoot the entire movie in one house and roped in the talent, a team with few crew members and actually wrapped up the shoot in 15 days. That's how it happened and we still don't know how we managed, but it was a fantastic experience. So, it was the lockdown that actually inspired us to do Ikkat.`
Filled with a whole lot of relatable lockdown experiences and hilarious moments, Ikkat is all set to release on 21st July 2021 exclusively on Amazon Prime Video and take viewers on a laughter riot.
Thursday, July 15, 2021 10:10 IST