In the distant mountainous landscape of Ladakh, Mithun Chakraborty quietly turned 53 on Saturday. He had himself an all-boys' bash with the much younger but thoroughly
attentive and reverent junior co-stars Salman Khan and Dino Morea.
The two boys, and their iconic senior had the time of their lives.
Says Dino, "Mithun-da plays my father. So I'm not only getting to work with one of my biggest idols for the first time, I also get to play his son. And Mithun-da seems to have
really taken me under his wings."
The twosome spend hours together talking in the telling tranquility. "Just listening to Mithun-da is like knowing so much about life and movies. I'm so glad I came for this
schedule. I had to leave suddenly for Ladakh. This is for Samir Karnik's Mera Bharat Mahaan.
And we were supposed to shoot Mithun-da's portions with me much
later. But the permissions for Ladakh materialized suddenly.We're right now shooting in a tall monastery. And the only reason I'm out of breath is because we doinga scene
where I climb all the way to the top to make a wish."
Reacting to the rumours about him getting together with Bipasha Dino says, "Such talk is creating unnecessary complications in her life. Bipasha has always been a friend,
and will always remain one. I'm there for her whenever she needs me."
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 12:36 IST