After a fine performance in film 'Banaras', Bollywood actor Ashmit Patel, younger brother of actress Amisha Patel, is hopeful for that his next film 'The Flag', would also do
Talking to mediapersons here today after the launch of BIG 92.7 FM, he said '''The Flag', directed by Sajiv Balath is a period film based in 1942. It is about this village called
Kadakhpur which is cut out from the rest of the country.'' He said it is the story of how the villagers get freedom from the British five years before the rest of the
Three other films which are in the pipeline are 'Kabhi Kanhi', 'Toss' and 'Friends forever', Patel said.
The actor said 'Toss' is a story of six friends. When the money wreaks havoc in their lives, how their friendship and relationship with each other gets affected due to
'Khabi Kanhi' is a story of two friends, while ''Friends forever'' a film with lots of special effects and an animated character.
Friday, June 22, 2007 12:49 IST