Bollywood superstar Madhuri Dixit who is making a comeback with the Yashraj Film Aaja Nachle after a span of six years, will be seen on Koffee with Karan this Sunday on
Star One and Star World.
Madhuri talks about her comeback in Bollywood after a long hiatus, what all has changed since then, her family, and life in the United States, among other things, a press
release here said.
Madhuri has admitted on the show that when Aditya Chopra approached her for the film, she asked him, "You really think people want to watch me?".
Madhuri tells Karan that a lot has changed in the industry and everything now is very disciplined and planned in advance which makes it easy for the actors. She also shares
how she met her husband Ram, the fact that they complement each other very well and that he has always been very supportive of her decisions.
Madhuri also faces a rapid fire round in the show - Who according to her is the hottest hunk in Hindi Cinema, other than Ram? The sweetest marriage proposal she has
received? Sooraj Bharjatiya' s next or Sanjay Bhansal'is next? and Sridevi or Juhi - Who does Madhuri choose?
Friday, June 22, 2007 12:51 IST