Amazon Prime Video recently released the trailer of superstar Prithviraj Sukumaran`s Bhramam. Ahead of the movie`s launch, Amazon Prime Video today unveiled a new song titled Lokam - Who Wants It, which will surely raise excitement among fans. Directed by Ravi K Chandran, also featuring Mamtha Mohandas, Raashi Khanna and Unni Mukundan, releases on October 7, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.
The jazzy and preppy track featuring Prithviraj and Raashi is composed and arranged by Jakes Bejoy and Alan Joy Mathew and sung by Prithivraj himself. The English-Malayalam lyrics are by Joe Paul. In the music video, Ray Mathews, played by Prithviraj, is shown serenading his audience with this lyrical track at a Jazz club. The behind the scene glimpses add to the fun quotient to the overall experience.
Watch and enjoy the video of `Lokam - Who wants it` here:
Bhramam dwells on the life of a pianist who pretends to be blind. His musical journey is interlaced with suspense, inspiration, confusion and drama as he gets embroiled in a murder mystery. As the plot thickens and a set of bizarre events unfold, wit and survival create the fabric of the film coupled with a stellar background score by musician Jakes Bejoy.
Friday, October 01, 2021 09:52 IST