Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are set to tie the knot in a beautiful Goa wedding. Jackky Bhagnani has his own personal well equipped gymnasium at his home in Bandra, which has been a hotspot for many celebs. This is also the place Jackky spends most of his mornings in.
Rakul Preet Singh, is also a fitness freak who owns a chain of gyms as well. The slim & tall actress who has one of the most enviable figures in Bollywood is equally passionate about keeping in shape. So at their wedding, the guests too will be given the choice of healthy food along with other cuisines. The array will see a set up of gluten free, sugar free and healthy treats for the guests.
What sets their celebration apart is a thoughtful touch of health corner dedicated to promoting well-being, a source close to the lovebirds reveals.
Rakul and Jackky are both advocates of a healthy lifestyle and introducing a special of healthy delights is their special touch to the intimate wedding.
The wedding is generating high levels of excitement among fans eagerly awaiting this union. The addition of the health corner adds a unique and positive dimension to their joyous celebration. Stay tuned for a wedding that not only celebrates love but also encourages a lifestyle that Rakul and Jackky hold dear.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024 11:26 IST