Created by Sumit Roy, Showrunner and directed by Mihir Desai and Directed by Archit Kumar, the screenplay by Sumit Roy, Mithun Gangopadhyay and Lara Chandni while the dialogues are written by Jehan Handa and Karan Shrikant Sharma.
For young actors, it is a huge opportunity and a great experience to be working with legendary actors from the industry. Mahima Makwana shares her experience of working with the iconic Naseeruddin Shah.
Talking about working with Naseeruddin Shah, Mahima Makwana said, `I was really nervous of facing Naseeruddin Shah sir because he is a legend and I went blank that day. We had a five pager scene and the moment he entered on set, I remember, I was super anxious, I was in literal tears out of being overwhelmed. I just couldn't believe that it was happening for real, but I was fine by the end of the day. And we had a great conversational scene`
Showtime will be releasing on 8th March, 2024, only on Disney Plus Hotstar