Tata Salt, the top player in India`s salt market, brought back its favourite `80s jingle, `Namak Ho Tata Ka, Tata Namak`, causing a stir across the country. This catchy tune has been a hit for ages, so much so that even the queen of sass, Kajol, can`t resist humming along!
Reflecting on the campaign`s legacy, Kajol shares her thoughts, saying, `It feels great! It is such an iconic campaign. One still remembers the jingle till today. It`s great to be part of this celebration and see it in its new avatar. Really happy to be here.`
Tata Salt tells great stories in its fun videos, showing how their jingle is everywhere, making them the ultimate `Desh ka Namak`!
Thursday, April 11, 2024 12:38 IST