Anil Kapoor is not only basking in the consecutive success of 'Animal' and 'Fighter', but also minting moolah with his production venture 'Crew'. The film is inching closer towards Rs 80 crore net, after maintaining a stronghold in the 5th week. The heist comedy is benefitting from the average phase of recent releases and is minting well comparatively. Last week, the Anil Kapoor-backed comedy-drama maintained a firm hold at the box office, and it is expected to hold its graph in the coming weeks.
The total net collection of 'Crew' is an estimated amount of Rs 78.80 crore, while its gross collection stands at an approx. Rs 93.25 crores. In the worldwide market, 'Crew' is expected to cross Rs 150 crore mark in its 6th week and has emerged as the third highest-grossing Bollywood film of the year.
Previously, Kapoor backed several female-led substantial films such as "Veere Di Wedding", 'Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga', 'Aisha' and 'Thank You For Coming' among others that explored sensitive subjects as well as emerged as path-breaking films in the Indian film industry. The success of these films proves that Kapoor is changing the dynamics of Indian cinema.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Anil Kapoor is gearing up to star in 'Subedaar', a Suresh Triveni directorial.
Saturday, May 11, 2024 13:23 IST