For the first time in the franchise's history, 'Pokemon Horizons: The Series' features a female lead, Liko, hailing from the Paldea region. Accompanied by her trusty Grass-type partner Pokemon, Myaoha, Liko sets off on a grand adventure spurred by a mysterious pendant from her grandmother. Joining her on this journey is the adventurous Roy, a boy from a remote island in the Kanto region, who dreams of becoming a Pokemon trainer and shares a unique bond with his partner Pokemon, Garmachh. Adding to the excitement is a dynamic group called the Rising Volt Tacklers, led by Friede and Captain Pikachu. This team ventures across the Pokemon world aboard an airship, delving into mysteries and meeting new Pokemon along the way.
The show will engage audiences on Hungama with new episodes at 9:30 a.m. every Saturday and Sunday, ensuring a thrilling journey for viewers to look forward to every weekend. For added convenience, repeat telecasts will air on weekdays, allowing fans to catch up on the adventures at their leisure.
In a special treat for Indian audiences, 'Pokemon Horizons: The Series' features exclusive opening and ending tracks composed by renowned music duo Vishal and Sheykhar, and sung by popular Indian singers Armaan Malik and Shirley Setia. This collaboration promises to add a local charm to the series that is bound to resonate with viewers across the country.
The premiere will be preceded by some surprise content by the artists on their social media. People in Pune and Mumbai will also get a chance to meet and interact with the new characters and Pokemon from the series as well as enjoy exciting weekends surrounded by Pokemon fun at Pokemon Mela scheduled in May and June. Anyone looking to immerse themselves in the world of Pokemon or spend their weekend differently must head to Pheonix Marketcity in Viman Nagar, Pune on May 17 to 19, Pheonix Marketcity in Kurla, Mumbai on May 31 to June 2, or Oberoi Mall in Goregaon, Mumbai on June 7 to 9. Details are available on Pokemon's official Instagram account in India (@_pokemonofficialindia).
Don't forget to join this thrilling journey filled with friendship, courage, and the joy of exploration in the real and the digital world as 'Pokemon Horizons: The Series' sets sail on a quest for adventure like never before. Mark your calendars and get ready to experience Pokemon in an all-new, exciting way!