Actor Bobby Deol has been sporting different hairdos in his latest films. While the braided look ruled in Shakalaka Boom Boom, blonde locks swayed in Jhoom Barabar
Now, in his upcoming release Ek - The Power of One, which also stars Nana Patekar and Shriya Saran, Bobby has got his mane straightened.
Celebrity stylist Aalim Hakim, who styled Bobby's hair in Shakalaka Boom Boom and Ek, says that Bobby wanted a new look in the film as he was tired of his wavy hair.
Ek is an action movie, and the director initially wanted Bobby to sport a stubble.
"But since every other negative character has one, we decided on a thin
beard," Aalim said. Well, now that's what we call versatility!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007 14:43 IST