Amazon miniTV, Amazon's free video streaming service, recently released Namacool, an engrossing tale of bromance laced with comedy and a tinge of mystery. Produced by Reliance Studios - Namit Sharma and directed by Ritam Shrivastava, the series features a stellar ensemble cast, including Hina Khan (Rubiya), Abhinav Sharma (Mayank), Aaron Kaul (Piyush), Anushka Kaushik (Minty) and Abhishek Bajaj (Chakku) in pivotal roles. The story follows the journey of two best friends, Mayank and Piyush, as they embark on their college life to uncover the true essence of manhood. In their quest, they come across Chakku Bhaiyya, a senior admired by all as the epitome of an Alpha Male. Mayank and Piyush aspire to join him as they yearn for popularity and romance, but little do they know that all that glitters is not always gold.
Abhishek Bajaj, who portrays the role of Chakku Bhaiyya, shared insights about his character in the series, saying, `I believe Chakku is a great guy with the kind of imperfections everyone has. To those who admire him and aspire to join his group, he is no less than a superhero. He excels in both action and romance and interestingly, he's the only one in college with a girlfriend. In addition to his alpha male qualities, this guy is incredibly loving but struggles to express his emotions. He deeply cares for his friends and treasures his girlfriend, Minty. Chakku represents this bravery by wholeheartedly committing himself to those he cares about, standing up for them without hesitation. As I read through the script and witnessed the development of his character in the series, I was genuinely excited. However, as the story unfolds, we see a different side of him emerge when he experiences heartbreak after being betrayed by his girlfriend. `
Additionally, Abhishek also speaks about portraying an alpha male, sharing, `I feel he represents what most alpha guys are like. People assume they don't have emotions but they do. He goes through emotional abuse in the show, and it's something we don't really discuss enough. Physical wounds can heal relatively quickly but emotional scars take longer to heal. This deep dive into that world was truly fascinating, and I'd commend our writer for it. For the first time, I played a UP guy with a Lucknawi accent, and I was thrilled to take on this challenge. Playing a new role with a fresh set of challenges has always been a source of excitement for me.`
Namacool is now streaming exclusively on Amazon miniTV for free within Amazon's shopping app, on Prime Video, Fire TV, Smart TVs, or download the app from Play Store.
Monday, June 03, 2024 12:03 IST