Bollywood's new find, Mrinalini Sharma, has bagged two more films with Vishesh Films, a film production company of the celebrated Bhatt camp.
Mrinalini, who has been launched by the Bhatts in their biggest budget movie "Awarapan", in which she plays the role of a tortured Pakistani girl trapped in a flesh trade
network and is trafficked to Hong Kong, has displayed her intense acting skills.
"I have signed up for two more films with the Bhatts," the svelte actress told. "My next film is 'Showbiz' which will show the dark side of media and fame. The film narrates
the story of a young singer, whose rise to fame is meteoric.
"The film is about this journey and how media sometimes abuses its power in the fight to increase viewership."
The model-turned-actress loves music, enjoys reading and is a movie buff.
The Bhatts, over the years, are known to dig out fresh faces. Some of their recent finds like Emraan Hashmi and Kangana Ranaut have been hugely successful in
Tuesday, July 03, 2007 14:47 IST