Actress Dolly Bindra has filed a case on Koena Mitra for cheating her, threat to life, harresment, malingning her image in print, under Indian penal code –506 and 420
The Borivali court has ordered Malad police to arrest Koena, Bobby Darling, Alok Srivastava, Meraj shah, and file an investigation report before 24th August.
According to Bindra, she had approached Koena with a role in her film. For that after all the talks, Bindra gave Rs 5 lakhs as a token amount to Koena Mitra in November at
Bandra's Taj Land's End.
But later, Koena refused to work in her film and avoided her phone calls. According to Bindra, Koena was misguided by Bobby Darling and
Says Bindra, "I've been visiting the Malad police station since last Saturday to register a case against all the three, but as the police station was told by a politician not to
register any case against Koena, he refused to register the case.
I was called by the senior police inspector of Malad on Monday, but when I reached the police station he was not there. Finally I approached the Borivali court with my
lawyer, which ordered the Malad police station to file a case against the trio.
Koena is unavailable for any comments.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007 14:50 IST