The creators of the upcoming film 'Sarfira,' starring Akshay Kumar, delighted fans on Friday by releasing a behind-the-scenes (BTS) video. In this heartwarming clip, the Bollywood 'Khiladi' is seen assisting an elderly lady as she boards her first-ever flight.
The video has quickly garnered attention online, showcasing Akshay Kumar's kindness as he carries the lady's heavy bag and helps her with her scene. His fluency in Marathi adds a genuine touch of warmth, and the lady's heartfelt blessings at the end of the clip highlight the profound impact of his gesture.
'Sarfira' draws inspiration from the life of Air Deccan founder GR Gopinath, who revolutionized air travel in India by making it accessible to the common man. Akshay Kumar portrays Vir Jagannath Mhatre, the son of a rural Maharashtra teacher, who embarks on a mission to democratize air travel, breaking socio-economic barriers and embodying the spirit of modern India's entrepreneurial rise.
The film also features Radhika Madan alongside Akshay and includes real-life locals from small towns who experienced their first flight during the movie's making.
Recently, the filmmakers released a new track titled 'Chaawat,' which captures the joyful essence of a traditional Maharashtrian wedding. The song is penned by Manoj Muntashir Shukla, composed by G.V. Prakash Kumar, and sung by Shreya Ghoshal.
Written by Sudha and Shalini Ushadevi, with dialogues by Pooja Tolani and music by G.V. Prakash Kumar, 'Sarfira' is produced by Aruna Bhatia (Cape of Good Films), South superstars Suriya and Jyotika (2D Entertainment), and Vikram Malhotra (Abundantia Entertainment). The film is set to hit theaters on July 12.
Saturday, July 06, 2024 12:35 IST