"Unibrow" has been selected for prestigious film festivals such as the Palm Springs International ShortFest, Canadian Film Fest, and the New York International Children's Film Festival, where it won an award, making it Oscar-qualifying. The film also garnered wins at the Hollywood North Film Awards, with Nedda Sarshar receiving Best Screenplay and Best Director, and Lina Sennia winning Best Performance. Additionally, "Unibrow" won the Air Canada Short Film Award and Air Canada Audience Choice Short at the ReelAsian Film Festival.
Director Nedda Sarshar expressed her surprise and delight at the film's success, stating, "When I made the film, I didn't know it would reach this far and touch so many people beyond the Iranian diaspora. I am so thrilled the film has become both Oscar-qualifying and Canadian Screen Award Qualifying."
Producers Shreya Patel and Rabiya Mansoor of Window Dreams Productions Inc. also shared their excitement. Patel said, "I am so glad the world gets to see the power of short indie films that are truly told from the heart. I am happy it has been winning awards. It was truly made with so much love." Mansoor added, "We're thrilled with the success of Unibrow! It's such a special project with so much heart and the reception has been amazing."
"Unibrow" has also been officially selected for the Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia and the McMinnville Short Film Festival, where it was nominated for the Founders Award. The film's success highlights the importance of representing diverse stories and celebrating cultural heritage in the world of cinema.