It's out. The sequel to Sarkar which brings together the Bachchans, Amitabh, Abhishek and Aishwarya, will be titled Sarkar Raj.
"That's the title I thought of when I wanted to do the sequel," reveals Ramu. "Somehow Sarkar 2 or Sarkar Again seems off the mark. Sarkar Raj is apt because I feel it
defines the political intrigue in a family like the Corleones in The Godfather or the Nagare family in Sarkar.
Like the first part the second part of the Sarkar saga will
be a family film. It was never meant to be an underworld film."
Apart from the Bachchans, Sarkar Raj will feature mostly unknown faces. "I've taken lots of stage and theatre actors because I want the film to look fresh and very different
from the earlier part."
The director is working with Aishwarya for the first time. "We've worked hard on the look. The glamour of Aishwarya in Sarkar Raj will be that she won't be glamorous. She's
so intrinsically beautiful it will be a challenge to make her look simple. But I want her to look like nothing she has done so far."
As for the Big B, "Mr Bachchan and I've discussed many many projects. Nishabd, Sholay and Sarkar 2 are our three films together this year. We've discussed at least a
dozen ideas. If I had my way I'd have Mr Bachchan in all my films."
Cutting down the belief that the senior Bachchan would have less to do in the Sarkar sequel Ramu says, " Though Abhishek takes over the empire he would still be looking
at the senior Bachchan for guidance."
Friday, July 06, 2007 16:15 IST