In its 16th season, Amitabh Bachchan hosted Kaun Banega Crorepati, on Sony Entertainment Television, continues to captivate viewers across the nation with its thrilling gameplay and heartwarming stories. On Monday and Tuesday, the quiz show will see Rajasthan's Ujjwal Prajapat sit on the hotseat as he strives to accomplish his dream of winning big on the show. A remarkable individual who has faced numerous financial challenges all his life, Ujjwal looks up to the 3 devis in his life ' his daadi, mother, and sister, and he is determined to repay the loans he took for his higher education and the family's needs.
Moved by his life story, Amitabh Bachchan notices one thing that sets Ujjwal apart is his smile, and says, 'What I really like about you is that despite everything you've shared, there is no hint of despair on your face. You speak with a smile, and that really touches us.' A delighted Ujjwal quickly highlights how his grandmother, who he fondly calls 'Lady Singham', is his pillar of strength and gives her credit for his upbringing.
That's not all, impressed with Ujjwal's gameplay and his vast knowledge, Amitabh Bachchan takes a moment to share a few words of wisdom praising Ujjwal's determination. He says, 'Gyaan aur Dhan, yeh ek hi dor ke woh sire hein jinme sara jeevan jo hai woh gul mil jata hai. Just as there is no limit to how much knowledge we can gain, there's also no limit to the wealth that comes from it. Knowledge isn't restricted by age, religion, or caste; the wealth earned through knowledge is valuable for everyone. The more we learn, the more our wealth can grow alongside it. A great example of this is Ujjwal Ji, who is with us today.'
As Ujjwal prepares to answer the 1 crore question, we can't wait to see if his determination will lead to a life-changing win. Tune in to this exciting episode of Kaun Banega Crorepati 16 at 9 PM, only on Sony Entertainment Television.
Monday, September 23, 2024 16:36 IST