While animation movie My Friend Ganesha has just hit theaters across the country, its sequel is already on the cards. Titled Ganesha Rocks New York, the film is
scheduled to go on floors in New York by end July or early August.
Koffee Break Productions managing director Apoorva Shah confirms: "We are planning a sequel to My Friend Ganesha. The scripting and casting is underway. Ahsaas
Channa will definitely be part of the film, we are yet to finalise the remaining cast."
The budget would be bigger at Rs 10 crore, Rs 6 crore higher than My Friend Ganesha. "The quality of the film will be 10 times better. The character of Ganesha will also
undergo changes in terms of looks and costume to suit the New York setting."
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12:05 IST