Sajid Khan, brother of choreographer-turned-director Farah Khan, is ready with his directorial debut Heyy Babyy. But what got him into direction in the first place?
Sajid replied: "I think it started when I saw my first film at the age of four! I am one of those who watch films and find faults in them. There are very few films that I have really
But when I like a film, the film-maker becomes God for me. I feel that ninety percent of the films that I have seen could have been made in a better way; the
character could have been improved, the length of the film could be shorter etc".
Now just when Sajid's debut is about to be released, need he be so truthful? Wouldn't other directors take offence at his statements and go about finding faults with Heyy
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12:07 IST