Rohit Shetty has set the festive tone with the much-celebrated trailer of Singham Again, showcasing a visual extravaganza packed with action and an enchanting saga. The first song from the film, Jai Bajrangbali, has lifted audiences' spirits, adding to the anticipation for the Diwali release. Now, the second song, the Singham Again title track, is out, encapsulating the legacy of Singham and the mighty force he represents.
The Singham Again title track features the commanding vocals of Santhosh Venky, with music composed by Ravi Basrur and lyrics by Swanand Kirkire. This powerful track, packed with intensity and drama, sets the stage for an epic action experience, exploring themes of justice, strength, and resilience. Catch it now on Saregama Music's YouTube channel.
Singham Again is set to hit cinemas this Diwali on 1st November 2024, promising an unforgettable cinematic experience!