The story revolves around an ex-special ops operative who embarks on a relentless mission to dismantle a dangerous cybercrime syndicate after a young woman becomes ensnared in its deceptive web. Promising to unravel the sinister underbelly of the digital age, Fateh is set to be a heart-pounding ride with its gritty narrative and edge-of-the-seat moments.
Sharing his excitement, Sood said, 'The love I've received from the audience over the years has been phenomenal, and I'm counting on that as Fateh's teaser is unveiled. This project is deeply personal to me'not only as my directorial debut but also as a rallying cry against the invisible threats lurking in the cyber world. With cutting-edge action and an intense clash between the real and the virtual, this film celebrates the unseen heroes who tackle battles we often ignore.'
Packed with high-octane stunts choreographed by top Hollywood technicians, the teaser showcases sleek visuals and daring action sequences. Alongside Sonu Sood and Jacqueline Fernandez, the film boasts an impressive cast, including Vijay Raaz and the iconic Naseeruddin Shah.
Produced by Sonali Sood and Umesh KR Bansal, Fateh is slated for a theatrical release on January 10, 2025, and promises to decode the escalating menace of cybersecurity breaches.