Set against the backdrop of Nashik, the trailer begins with a rivalry commencing between Komal and Abha as their worlds collide with one another. The duo clash when Komal is forced to join Abha's father's Karate training academy - Navodaya, but soon realise that despite their clashing personalities, they must unite for a greater purpose. Tension escalates between Komal and Abha when the Nashik Karate Federation Tournament draws closer and they are met with unlikely situations having to fight against each other, representing rival Karate academies/dojos; Navodaya & Firebolt that lead them to question everything.
Amogh Dusad, Head of Content, Amazon MX Player, shared, 'We're thrilled to present Karate Girls, a story that celebrates the strength of female friendship and the unyielding determination of two young girls passionate about Karate. Their journey is one of resilience, growth, and forging unbreakable bonds as they step into adulthood.'
'Karate Girls is an empowering tale of resilience, friendship, and self-discovery. As Dice Media's first sports action drama, this series holds a special place for us. It tells the story of two small-town girls who are both relatable and aspirational, defying expectations and challenging the status quo. We're proud to bring this uplifting narrative to audiences in association with Amazon MX Player and hope they connect with the gripping tale as much as we did while creating it.' added Janaki Amrite, Associate VP - OTT Partnerships, Dice Media.
Manav Gohil who portrays the role of Ajay Sensei in this series, expressed, 'Being part of Karate Girls has been a transformative experience for me as I got to revisit the art of Karate! Being a trained in Muay Thai and Karate, I was excited from the word go and with this being my first title with Amazon MX Player, made this a really fun experience." He further added, "My character Ajay Sensei leans towards discipline to bring about a change in society. Viewers will enjoy the twists and turns that the show has to offer as the gripping narrative keeps them engaged.'
'It was a challenging experience to prepare for my character Komal, as I had to undergo a lot of physical training. Towards the end of it, my scope as an actor definitely expanded and I am grateful for the experience. Komal's character embodies courage and determination, inspiring self-belief and resilience. Her journey showcases the transformative power of friendship and perseverance. I'm honoured to be part of this series.' mentioned Ashlesha Thakur who sparks life into the character of Komal in the series.
Celesti Bairagey who plays Abha in this gripping story shared, 'As an actor, you're always on the go to acquire new skills and I'm so glad to have gotten that opportunity with Karate Girls. From learning the art of discipline with karate to portraying a range of emotions, I have grown as an artist with this series. Abha's character allowed me to connect deeper with myself, I'm sure audiences will relate to her.'
Meiyang Chang who plays the character of Sensei JD in this series expressed, 'Being a part of Karate Girls has been an enriching experience. It is rare to come across such stories that, against the backdrop of a relatively niche but exciting sport, delve deep into the emotions & relationships that make us human: love, envy, rebellion, friendship. JD is the menacing dark cloud of the series: a shrewd & manipulative man who won't take no for an answer. I'm certain fans will love him & the series.'
Karate Girls will stream exclusively from 13 December on Amazon MX Player, available through its apps on mobile, Amazon shopping app, Prime Video, Fire TV, and Connected TVs.