The latest addition to its stellar collection is the much-anticipated comedy Kya Masti Kya Dhoom, directed by filmmaker Chandrakant Singh. Set to premiere on Waves OTT on 24th December 2024, this hilarious and heartwarming film is poised to be the perfect year-end treat for audiences. Starring an ensemble cast of renowned actors including Vijay Raaz, Sanjay Mishra, Johnny Lever, Abhishek Bajaj, Anant Vidhaat Sharma, and Manoj Joshi, Kya Masti Kya Dhoom promises a rollercoaster of laughs, chaos, and unexpected twists.
The story revolves around two unlikely friends, Moolchand Patel and Booby Chadda, who are desperately trying to find success through any means necessary. In their quest, they inadvertently get caught up with a dangerous crime boss and an unwitting money lender, setting off a series of comedic events. The film skilfully blends elements of crime, comedy, romance, and technological mishaps as Moolchand and Booby's schemes spiral out of control. As the chaos unfolds, they must navigate through a tangled web of mistakes, relationships, and wild surprises to save themselves — and their dreams. "Kya Masti Kya Dhoom" is not just a comedy, but a fun-packed adventure that delivers a perfect blend of humor, action, and heart. This mass entertainer is set to be a crowd-pleaser and an ideal way to wrap up the year with a smile. Don't miss the premiere of Kya Masti Kya Dhoom exclusively on Waves OTT on December 24, 2024.