The romance had not even started between Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor when we got the news that things have already ended between them. Whats more is that Deepika has been reported to have moved in to her previous abode that is with her ex-boyfriend Nihar Pandya.
In hindsight, Deepika had been the one to move out of her ex's house on finding new love blossoming irrespective of having lived in with Nihar the past two years.
Things were just not working out for Deepika and Ranbir so they decided to call it quits. She has been staying with Nihar Pandya since she shifted to Mumbai from Bangalore. She has also recently bought herself a house in Bandra.
Apparently, the Om Shanti Om production team needed to send across some documents and dialogue sheets to Deepika's place for her to read. Deepika asked them to send them on her old address.
Deepika refuses to answer any question regarding this when quizzed and says she and Nihar are good friends and will continue to be so. She is single, with the only love of her life right now being Om Shanti Om and her new house.
Saturday, July 14, 2007 16:18 IST