Kunal Khemu is definitely a hardcore professional. While shooting for a dance sequence for an untitled film for Ashtvinayak, the young actor injured his finger. But he ignored the agonising pain and continued shooting, waiting until the evening to for an X-ray to get his finger fixed.
"During the dance my choreographer accidentally twisted one finger. I thought that the pain would go off. But all through the dance sequence, I had to use this hand and my injured finger kept getting more bashing. By evening it was properly swollen and very painful.
"When I showed to the doctor, it turned out that I had indeed sprained it. So he bandaged it with warning that I should not strain and give it a rest," said Kunal.
Undeterred, he showed up next day with bandage and all.
"It was no big deal. After all it was just a sprain in my hand. Taking a day off for this would have been pitiful."
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 15:29 IST