After launching her signature perfume recently, Shilpa Shetty now has plans to launch her own fashion line.
Shilpa has many plans up her sleeve. Even has she is promoting her recently launched perfume S2 in the UK, the lissome damsel is looking forward to begin her own fashion line called S2.
In this regard, Shilpa has been meeting several people in London. The actress says her designer clothing S2 will bear her individual style. Details are been worked out and a formal announcement can be expected within a month's time.
Even though her fashion line is still to be launched, Shilpa has already begun making friends and acquaintances in fashion circles of Paris. On July 4 she attended a party hosted by German fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld.
Apart from starting her clothing line, Shilpa will also launch her production company S2. She is thinking of producing a DVD video on Yoga under her production banner.
Well, Miss Shetty seems to have got her finger in every pie.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 15:33 IST