Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan is all set to be directed by top-notch director Ram Gopal Varma. As part of his Rs 35 crore three films deals with Adlabs, Hrithik will do
a film that is to be directed by Varma.
The film will have Hrithik apparently playing a role akin to Hollywood counterpart Rambo. The film has tentatively been titled ‘Aryan'. Varma has been approached by Adlabs
to pen a script and direct this film. A rough script has been formed and the film will be an action one in keeping with Varma's style.
Hrithik will have a role which will be on the lines of Rambo and the budget for the film is set at around Rs. 40 crore. The film will be extremely stylish considering it has quite
a big budget and it will be set in Afghanistan.
Hrithik's secretary claimed, "Nothing has been finalized yet." However, sources claim that Hrithik will indeed be doing a film to be directed by Varma.
As part of his Adlabs deal, Hrithik will also do another film which will be directed by J M Mathan, who directed Aamir Khan in the hit ‘Sarfarosh' and Ajay Devgan in the flop
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 16:10 IST