Among the many who rely on Namrata’s expertise are Sara Ali Khan, Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor, and Ananya Pandey, who are regulars in her studio. These stars have turned to Namrata for a carefully curated mix of strength training, mobility exercises, and Pilates techniques that focus on both their physical appearance and mental well-being. The impact of these workouts is evident in their lean, toned bodies and improved posture, something they regularly credit to Namrata’s personalized approach.
Ishaan Khatter and Varun Dhawan are also part of the list, relying on Namrata’s guidance to maintain their chiseled physiques for action-packed movie roles. Dhvani Bhanushali, Mrunal Thakur, Mira Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan also swear by her methods, using her sessions to boost their strength, prevent injuries, and stay at their physical best.
Through her holistic approach to fitness, Namrata has become more than just a trainer; she is a key player in the fitness journeys of some of Bollywood’s brightest stars, empowering them to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle, on and off-screen.