With a star-studded cast including Mithila Palkar, Amol Parashar, Meiyang Chang, and Sauraseni Maitra, Sweet Dreams is brought to life under the expert production of Jyoti Deshpande, Neha Anand, and Pranjal Khandhdiya. The film’s soulful soundtrack, created by the talented team of Mukund Suryawanshi, Shubham Shirule, Dev Arijit, and Akashdeep Sengupta, perfectly complements its dreamy, whimsical tone.
A tale that blurs the line between fantasy and reality, Sweet Dreams captures the magic of serendipity and the intensity of love that transcends the ordinary. It’s a film that asks: do we find love by chance, or does love find us? The answer might just lie in the dreams we dare to dream. Releasing exclusively on Disney Plus Hotstar, January 24, 2025.
Catch Sweet Dreams only on Disney Plus Hotstar this January 24!