Fresh details surrounding the shocking knife attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan have surfaced. One of the biggest questions raised was why his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, wasn’t by his side at the hospital. Reports now suggest that Kareena, after attending a party hosted by her close friend Sonam Kapoor, was allegedly too intoxicated to make a public appearance.
Kareena’s Decision to Stay Out of the Public Eye
According to sources, Kareena arrived home in an inebriated state following the party. She reportedly chose not to visit the hospital or go to the police station to avoid scrutiny, as videos or images of her condition could have been leaked to the media. Instead, she decided to stay out of the spotlight and went to her sister Karisma Kapoor’s house after the incident.
Police Investigation and Case Transfer
Following the attack, the on-duty night police inspector (PI) initially took charge of the investigation. In such cases, the night PI investigates the incident, and the senior officer determines who will handle the case the next day. This standard procedure was followed, and the case was later transferred to the Crime PI from the Night PI. The Mumbai Police have dismissed any claims that the investigating officer (IO) was changed.
Saif Ali Khan’s Harrowing Encounter with the Attacker
A week ago, Saif was attacked by an intruder who entered his Bandra residence through the room of his youngest son, Jeh Ali Khan, during the early hours of Thursday. Despite sustaining multiple stab wounds, Saif reportedly managed to reach the hospital on his own, accompanied by his older son, Taimur Ali Khan.
Details of the Attack and Saif’s Injuries
According to media reports, doctors removed a 2.5-inch knife from one of Saif’s wounds. The actor was stabbed six times, with two wounds dangerously close to his spine. The horrifying incident unfolded when the intruder allegedly assaulted their house help before Saif intervened, attempting to fight him off with his bare hands.
How the Incident Unfolded
Saif was woken by noises coming from Jeh’s room and rushed in to find the assailant engaged in a confrontation with their house help. In an effort to protect his staff, Saif confronted the attacker, resulting in the violent altercation. The shocking home invasion has left fans and the film fraternity in distress, with many calling for stricter security measures for celebrities.
Stay tuned for further updates on this ongoing case.