Shilpa Shetty's publicist Dale Bhagwagar revealed to the media on Wednesday that he had received "a threat call yesterday evening (July 17) from an unknown person
calling from a 'Private Number' asking him to "refrain from discussing Bihar journalist Subhash K. Jha in the media or face dire consequences".
Dale said he had also been tipped off by a former crime reporter that his life was in danger. Two months ago, the publicist had issued an open letter to Jha, accusing the
journalist of harassing Shilpa shetty and asking for sexual favours.
Dale said he was in his hometown Nagpur and would file a complaint today afternoon (July 18) at Sadar police station, Nagpur, as a precautionary measure. He added that
he would file another complaint on returning to Mumbai.
"Shilpa shetty, after her 'open letter' to Subhash K. Jha this week, acknowledged my earlier letter on national television, following which I got requests to speak up about the
issue. Little did I realize that my life could be in danger," Dale rued.
Friday, July 20, 2007 16:17 IST