Neha, wife of versatile actor Manoj Bajpai, recently switched back to her real name, Shabana Raza. She had
been named Neha by film-maker Vidhu Vinod Chopra for her debut movie Kareeb, starring Bobby
A few days ago, the actress announced in public that she no longer wishes to carry on with the name 'Neha'
and would henceforth prefer people calling her by her real name. She also conveyed her decision to make a
comeback to films, starting with Sanjay Gupta's Alibaug.
We asked hubby Manoj about his wife's decisions regarding her name and acting career. "I married an actress
and I want her to act. In fact, I prompted her to move out of the house. She has missed a lot of good films
As for the name change, Manoj feels that the real name is a person's true identity. "I never
liked the name Neha, it is too short. Shabana is proving to be good for her," said the proud husband. Manoj's
films Return to Rajapur and 1971 will go to the Ocean film festival in New Delhi soon.
Friday, July 20, 2007 18:19 IST