Leena Yadav who made a very unusual film Shabd with Aishwarya Rai, is all set to direct Ash's father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan in
Teen Patti.
Though the director is currently into pre-production and reluctant to speak on this unusual casting, it's learnt that the Big B would have
to be adept at playing cards to play this part.
"And I'm terrible with cards!" the Big B laments. He has earlier played a cards whiz in Shakti Samanta's The Great Gambler. And that
was many years ago.
So perhaps the Big B's co-star Arshad Warsi could help the Big B get the cards right?
Arshad chuckles, "Not at all! I can't play cards. Nor do I gamble. But I can fake anything. "
So maybe the duo can support each other in this faked gamble to the finishing line?
Says Arshad, "I've waited really really long to do a film with Mr Bachchan. Though we've done an ad together we've never really
shared screen space. "
Monday, July 23, 2007 14:38 IST