Hrithik Roshan's Rs. 35-crore deal with Adlabs seems to start soon. They will make an action film with Duggu, which's budget is
approximately Rs. 40 crore.
A source from Adlabs informs, "Yes, Hrithik's 3-film deal is finally on. Adlabs had an old understanding with John Mathhan for his film
Shikhar and that's why he has been signed for a film with Hrithik.
Ram Gopal Verma will direct the second film and he has
been paid a huge amount to direct the film. Ramu is currently working on the script. It's supposed to be a stylish action film, based on
Afghanistan. "
One of these two films will stars shooting in August.
Monday, July 23, 2007 14:39 IST