Another rumor regarding a forthcoming film of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan bit the dust recently. Contrary to reports being strategically placed in sections of the media, the mighty thespian Dilip Kumar isn't
playing SRK's father in the Vivek Vaswani comedy ‘Dulha Mil Gaya'.
The thespian's wife Saira Banu personally denies any such plans for her 84-year old husband. Beyond that the gracious couple refuses to say anything. But a close family friend has a lot to say about such arbitrary and illusory attempts to bring the two Khan superstars together.
Actually the Dilip Kumar–SRK ties go back a long way. Both are Pathans and share a common passion for cinema. There's a more- than- passing facial resemblance between the two.
What clinched the matter was Saira Banu's declaration some years ago
at an awards function that if she and her husband had a son he'd probably look like SRK.
The idea of casting them as father and son must have been born then, but as of now they are not coming together in any film.
‘Dulha Mil Gaya' was shot in Tobago and Trinidad and the film stars Sushmita Sen and Fardeen Khan. SRK is paired with Sushmita in the film.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 15:33 IST