Akshay Kumar and wife Twinkle Khanna have shot off a legal notice to a certain publication in Mumbai for "publishing a false report on July 24, 2007".
The petition in this regard was filed in the court on July 26. The couple announced in the media: "We will not stand malicious reporting by any publication anymore. We will take them to court."
Their media statement reads: "We have never reacted to what is written about us because we are happy in our own little world and have never felt the need to prove anything to anyone. But people are taking advantage of our silence to slander us and write things without an iota of truth, which we shall not accept anymore".
The report in question claimed that the actor had checked into the JW Marriott, Juhu, for four days last month after an altercation with his wife "over his alleged philandering" with a Bengali starlet.
The report quoted sources saying: "We often saw Akshay's car stopping by at the actress's place at odd hours to pick her up. They were spotted together, sometimes even on the sets, where either of them was shooting."
It further added that Twinkle had given Akshay an ultimatum to mend his ways, but in vain. At present, Akshay is shooting in Ladakh for Yashraj Films's Tashn.
Friday, July 27, 2007 15:10 IST