Noted Malayalam film director Jayaraaj, whose film 'Daivanamathil' won the 2005 Nargis Dutt Award for the Best Film on National Integration, says he will like to make a film
on Sanjay Dutt's life in jail.
While refusing to comment on the six-year rigorous imprisonment awarded to the Bollywood actor by a TADA Court in Mumbai, Jayaraaj told UNI he would like to make a
film on Sanjay's life in jail.
''Specially, I would like to explore the reflection of the other prisoners on him and his interactions with them,'' Jayaraaj said.
He said he was presently wrapping up a film in Tamil on reincarnation, which will be ready for release in September.
Friday, August 10, 2007 14:29 IST