Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali is delighted over the prominent display his latest film "Sawariya", produced by Sony's international division Sony Pictures Entertainment, was given in the New York Times.
The film, starring newcomers Ranbir Kapoor, the son of Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh, and Sonam, daughter of Anil Kapoor, was featured in the Aug 8 issue of the magazine, titled "Hollywood Starts Making Bollywood Films In India".
The article also published the first-ever still from the film.
"Sawariya" is India's first film to be treated as a full-fledged international film and Sony has planned its marketing and publicity accordingly. Its pre-release publicity will cover reputed international publications.
A smiling Sanjay told: "My leading man Ranbir is in the US with his father. It was he who excitedly informed me about the New York Times article from there. I think Sony Pictures are showing an exceptional amount of professionalism in putting non-Indian audiences on to 'Sawariya'."
Monday, August 13, 2007 13:28 IST