Upasana Singh, who plays Lovely in "Maayka", recently had a blast shooting a scene in which she had to ride a two-wheeler with a heavy chair car attached to it at the side.
But Dhanno, as the vehicle was named, was difficult to balance for Upasana, who warned the production team beforehand that she would not be responsible if any mishap took place.
The scene required Upasana to apply the brakes the moment Shilpa falls down in front of Dhanno. But nervous that she was, Shilpa kept doing her fainting act a split second earlier or later. Now that was quite natural, given she faced the risk of getting hit by the vehicle if Upasana didn't slam the brakes at the right moment.
"In this scene, I am ramming into egg stalls, hawkers et al, at the same time praying aloud that Dhanno stays on track. Then I had to stop as soon as Shilpa is physically thrown out of a hostel premise in front of my vehicle," Upasana elaborated.
The scene had to be retaken eight times to get the synchronization correct. "The vehicle was unbalanced because of the side car, so I was tense while Shilpa was doubly nervous. But all said and done, I had a ball shooting this scene. It was so much fun," said a delighted Upasana.
Riding it rough, riding it high.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007 10:20 IST