No Bollywood star will walk the ramp during the grand finale of the upcoming edition of Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW), leading designer Rohit Bal said Thursday,
adding that clothes will dazzle the show, not stars.
The 10th edition of the fashion extravaganza, organised by the Fashion Design Council of India (FDCI) with the title sponsored by Wills Lifestyle of the ITC group, is
scheduled for Sep 5-9.
"There will be no film stars, the stars of the show will be my clothes," said Rohit Bal, who was Thursday declared the grand finale designer.
"The grand finale will be genuinely grand but I don't want Bollywood celebrities to take away the spotlight. The point of focus has to be my collection," he explained.
Announcing his name, the vice-president (marketing) for ITC's Lifestyle retailing, Atul Chand, said,"The main aim of this collaboration is to make the designer wear
accessible and relevant to our customers.
"Bal is one of the most celebrated fashion designers in India and we being a premium brand believe in providing our customers the finest in fashion."
The master of fabrics and fantasy will also create an exclusive collection for Wills Lifestyle that will be retailed from its stores across the country.
"Rohit Bal is a master creator. His address to the fashion industry is intelligent and studied, yet imaginative and inspiring with a touch of innocence. We are very proud about
this association and raise a toast to him," said Rathi Vinay Jha, director general, FDCI.
The style guru has named his collection 'Intertwined' and 'Syahi' (ink). The ancient tiles of Iznik in Turkey have been the source of inspiration for the line.
"I have called it 'Interwined' as it is in sync with the philosophy of Wills Lifestyle - 'made for each other'. Also it indicated the way I have used fabrics to design silhouettes.
"Personally I call my line 'Syahi' because I have extensively used shades of blue, especially ink blue," he said.
Indigo blue, which forms the basis of Iznik tiles, is a prominent colour in Bal's collection. The colour palette ranges from desert neutral to vibrant ink blue and charcoal.
Fabrics like chiffon, net, organza, jersey, georgette and brocade have been textured, pleated and gathered by the designer to create silhouettes for men and women.
The men's wear encompasses shirts, trousers, T-shirts, scarves and women's wear has evening dresses of varied lengths.
Friday, August 17, 2007 13:00 IST